Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Name: Manu Panuve

Nationality:  Tongan

Country: Tongatapu, Tonga

Major: BUSM – Human Resources and Supply Chains

Anahulu Cave – The Underground Swimming Pool

In my Island, there are so many historical places that their sights are just breath-taking. It is almost that each village has something historically special about them. One of those places is the Anahulu Cave or known as the Underground Swimming Pool. This cave is unique as it is the only freshwater that is there in all the many islands in Tonga. This cave is called the underground swimming pool as the entrance to it is more like going underground to reaches it.

Information of the Anahulu Cave.

This Cave is located on the eastern side of the capital island of Tonga at a village called Haveluliku. The cave is made up of a network of large limestone caverns. It is 400m long filled with six different pools/ponds. They are all freshwater that never loses its coolness with changes on seasons. The beach is only 50meters from the entrance of the cave. Visiting this historical place is almost like killing two birds with one stone. If you prefer sunbathing in the ocean, it is not a long walk from the cave. You can have two experiences with only one stop and that is bathing in the freshwater and sunbathing outside in the beach.

There is a $15 TOP fee per individual that you are charged when you visit the area. It is to help keep the surrounding of the cave clean and also to pay employees who are guarding the cave. Outside the cave, there are displays of women's’ talented handicraft made from natural resources of the island.

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